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**🚨 South Korean Police Crack Down on ‘International Crypto Fraud’ Ring, Freeze $1.2m! 🛑**

🌟 Exciting news alert! 🌟 South Korean police have made a big move against a suspected group of “international” crypto fraudsters. They’ve frozen over $12 million and apprehended 49 individuals. 🚓

🔍 Reports from Newsis reveal that the **Cyber Investigation Department of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency has taken action, arresting a total of 49 people, including six suspected leaders from different organizations.**

🚨 The group is facing charges of fraud, with authorities believing that they were **involved in running a fake cryptoasset investment platform.** This platform primarily targeted overseas investors, with a particular focus on places like the Philippines, as per police statements.

🔍 Police investigations indicate that the group was active between September 2020 and April last year, managing to secure over $11.5 million from at least 253 victims. The group allegedly **used leaked personal data found on the internet to target potential victims,** and it’s been reported that they even purchased access to “1.62 million pieces of illegally obtained personal information.”

➡️ Additional police sources mention that the group resorted to tactics like **sending out promotional messages to public crypto-related chat groups** to attract potential investors to their platform. 📱💬

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