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**Exciting News Alert! FTX Creditor Claims Now Valued Over $0.50 in OTC Deals** 🟢

🚀 Guess what? Recent over-the-counter (OTC) transactions are pricing FTX creditor claims at over 50 cents on the dollar! That’s a big jump from before, as reported by The Block. Thomas Braziel, the go-to guy for FTX debt claims at 117 Partners, spilled the beans after a successful claims auction.

📌 The auction saw an FTX claim exceeding $20 million snagged for a solid 52 cents on the dollar.

🌟 What does this mean? It seems the market is optimistic that FTX creditors might recoup half of their losses from the defunct exchange. Braziel clarified that these prices mainly apply to the “largest and cleanest claims.”

📣 Good vibes all around! Braziel also shared an uplifting article on X, hinting that FTX claim prices have been on the up and up since the exchange’s demise almost a year ago.

💬 According to the article, “The value of claims is expected to keep climbing steadily, surpassing $0.40 per claim as assets like the venture portfolio and real estate are liquidated.” Such encouraging news for FTX creditors! 🚀📈🌟

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