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🎉**Exciting News Alert! Beware of Phishing Scam in Arbitrum Discord!**

Hey, crypto enthusiasts! The crypto community recently sounded the alarm bells about fake Arbitrum (ARB) airdrops, and it looks like their warnings were spot on. 🚨

On March 25, CetriK, a blockchain security firm, raised concerns about a potential phishing link circulating on the official Arbitrum Discord server. It seems like a hacked Discord account of an Arbitrum developer was used to unleash a fake announcement with a sneaky phishing link. 🤖

The phishing message promised an opportunity to grab more tokens in Arbitrum DAO Governance and sneaky tactics were employed like misspelling “Arbitrum” as “Arbtirum” in the URL to trick unsuspecting victims. 🎣

But fear not! Clicking on the phishing link doesn’t lead to a dangerous site asking for your private information. Instead, it takes you to a blank page with the text “Astaghfirullah,” which means “I seek forgiveness in God” in Arabic. 🙏

For now, it’s best to steer clear of the sketchy announcement until Arbitrum provides more clarity. Let’s stay one step ahead of the hackers and their sneaky tactics. 👀

On a brighter note, two lucky airdrop hunters managed to scoop up around $3.3 million worth of ARB tokens. Now that’s some serious crypto luck! 🌈💰

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