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**Exciting News from Coinbase in Australia! 🌟**

📣 Calling all crypto enthusiasts! Coinbase’s Chief Policy Officer, **Faryar Shirazad**, is pushing for faster regulatory action in Australia to keep up with the fast-paced crypto world! 🚀

🔴 Shirazad made a compelling case at a recent Senate hearing on July 25, urging lawmakers to speed up the process of passing crypto regulations similar to Europe’s **Markets In Crypto Assets Regulation (MICA)**.

➡️ According to Shirazad, quicker regulatory action in Australia means that Coinbase can introduce new products and services tailored for the Australian market sooner rather than later. 🕒

💬 Shirazad highlighted the importance of time frames by mentioning that MiCA in Europe is expected to be implemented by early 2025. With the UK also speeding up its regulatory processes, it’s clear that the global crypto market is gearing up for some exciting changes! 🌏💫

🟢 The push for clear regulations by industry leaders like Coinbase comes as they navigate through legal battles with regulators, including the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 🛡️

Stay tuned for more updates as the crypto world continues to evolve! 🚀💰 #Coinbase #CryptoNews #RegulationMatters

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